Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tale of Despereaux Pizza Party!

Yesterday we finished reading The Tale of Despereaux in class, and as promised, we had our pizza party today! Principal Jamison even joined us for the movie. 

Little Despereaux

Hannah, Rachel, Aaron, and Joseph enjoying
their pizza!

Next week we'll start reading Hoot by Carl Hiaasen.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Cells Rap

At Hennington Elementary School, the 6th grade classes made this rap video that talks about animal and plant cells. It's a lot of fun - and I wanted to share it with my students, especially because we're studying plants right now! The kids loved it so much that they want to make their own rap video about gardening! (Maybe in the near future? We'll see...) The song is so descriptive and helpful, and super catchy.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Geometry Art Lesson

The first segment of our geometry section allowed students to create dynamic and intricate geometric patterns. They were given a list of shapes (i.e. Circle, Triangle, Straight line, Octagon, etc.) that they could use simultaneously to create a patterned drawing. The picture had to be as symmetric as possible, and once they finished, they got to color it in! I know what you're thinking - 2 art posts in a row? I can't help it - these kids have so many creative thoughts that deserved to be expressed on paper! This takes math to a whole new level!

Justin's "Triangle Star"

Hannah's "Circle and Triangle"

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Desk Artwork

Today in art class, students were instructed to draw something that they have inside their desk using vibrant (vocab word) colors! It was awesome to see what students came up with - everyone did something different. Such creativity!

Jason's crayon box

Melanie's art supplies!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

US States

Today students used their history block to explore http://www.50states.com/. The website has a ton of information about every US state (including its capital), and provides data-filled maps. Did you know that Arkansas' state flower is an Apple Blossom? I didn't!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hidden Pond Field Trip

As we continue our science section on plants, the entire fifth grade from Hennington ES took a field trip to Hidden Pond! The kids had multiple opportunities to look at different kinds of algae, take a nature walk, and  even watch a video about local plant life. The trip was a lot of fun! Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who came as chaperons. 

Students gathered before beginning the nature walk

Charles, Aaron, Meghan, Jasmine, and Lily
taking pictures around the pond!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Teacher Work Day!

It's the first teacher work day of the school year. Enjoy your day off, students! I've got a lot of worksheets to go over. 

Wow - lots to do.

But at least I've already finished organizing the Homework Corner!

So clean!